There are a number of organisations working in the community energy sector in Wales and across the UK that provide useful support and advice for new initiatives:
- Community Energy Scotland
- Community Energy England
- Community Energy Wales
- Renew Wales provides Peer to Peer support for any groups looking to take enterprising action on climate change. Renew Wales is able to support any type of project as long as it is tackling the causes or impacts of climate change. It is able to do this through it’s Peer Mentor network who are able to offer flexible and specific advice based on your requirements. This includes supporting a wide range of Community Energy Projects For more details visit here.
- Robert Owen Community Banking has finance available to support communities in Wales to take forward renewable energy projects. The Community Energy Fund has been developed in conjunction with Big Lottery and Community Enerrgy Wales, to provide the financial support that community projects require to advance from initial feasibility through to installation. The Community Energy Fund provides a form of mezzanine finance that covers the initial high risk costs of scheme development. For more details visit here.
- Local Energy. The Welsh Government’s Local Energy Service provides financial and technical support to help social enterprises and SMEs across Wales to develop their own renewable energy schemes. For more details visit here.
- Energy Local has designed a means to have a local market in power via Energy Local Clubs. This enables households to club together to show when they are using local clean power when it is generated. The scheme gives generators a better price for the power they produce, that reflects its true value, keeps more money local and reduces household electricity bills.
- Resource Efficient Wales is a Welsh Government service providing people (domestic, business, community, voluntary and the public sector) with a single point of contact for support on using resources (energy, materials and water) more efficiently. For more details visit here.
If you are interested in potential community investment share offers then visit the Wales Community Investment Network at CyfranNi | Community Energy Wales
An additional source of community energy nvestment potential is Sharenergy Sharenergy | generating renewable energy co-ops